The Land

The distinctive habitat conditions at Buchanan Shoals offer hunting for all major wildlife species in the South.

Buchanan Shoals occupies 5,300 acres in southern Anson and Richmond Counties, NC as well as Chesterfield County, SC. The property is located on the Great Pee Dee River, with over 7 miles of frontage on the river.

Buchanan Shoals is a collage of pine uplands, young pine plantations, upland hardwood glades, bottomland hardwood forests, and open broomstraw fields. These distinctive habitat conditions offer hunting for all major wildlife species in the south including: waterfowl, trophy whitetail deer, turkey, quail, and dove.

Our Management Philosophy


Land & Wildlife

Buchanan Shoals advanced land and wildlife management programs continually improve habitat for game wildlife species, ensuring a unique and satisfying hunt for the discerning sportsman.


Our dedication to wildlife habitat management includes prescribe burning, year-round supplemental feeders, and herbicide applications to control unwanted vegetation and increase natural food sources.


Annual maintenance of the timber and food plots continues to provide excellent habitat for our whitetail deer, turkey, and wild quail.


The original town of Sneedsborough was chartered in 1795 on a portion of the land that is currently part of Buchanan Shoals. Sneedsborough was established as an inner port city to promote trade along the Pee Dee River. It was thought that the town’s population was about 500 during its best years. In the town of Sneedsborough there were two churches, a general store, the Sneedsborough Academy, a post office, and the Knox Hotel. The old Knox Hotel was a large double story building with a brick basement, containing 10-15 rooms.

Colonel Johnson, who was the owner of all the lands at Sneedsborough during this time, secured a charter from the State of North Carolina authorizing the cutting of a canal between Whortleberry Creek and Baby Branch. A rock dam was built across the river at Baby Branch to divert water into the canal and signs of the old dam can be seen in the river today. The canal was dug entirely by hand using only slave labor. Before the canal could be made operational, funds became exhausted and the corporation declared bankruptcy. The old canal is located entirely on Buchanan Shoals.

The historic town was in existence until about 1835, when due to poor economic conditions, an epidemic of typhoid fever, and the fact that the Pee Dee River could not be made navigable beyond this point, the town passed into oblivion.

Visit Us

3597 Sneedsboro Rd.
Morven, NC 28119

Postal Address
P.O. Box 933
Wadesboro, NC 28170

Call Us



Email Us

Jason Kiker
Owner / Principal Operator


Becki Hartsell

Guest Relations Manager
